Monday, August 22, 2011

Term 3 session 2

Started with a warm-up exercise of drawing upside down. These drawing are getting more accurate as the students feel more comfortable about looking at lines.

I introduced the picture plane concept. We taped a view finder on the classroom window for each of the children and with a whiteboard marker drew the scene outside. To do this the child must hold their head as still as possible and shut one eye, then they trace the images on the window. They did find this quite hard to draw the lines in the environment. They enjoyed this activity, however, the problem is how do we transfer the image from the picture plane to paper.
To expand the picture plane concept the children held a view finder with a clear plastic sheet attached (overhead projector transparency) on their hand. This was used as the picture plane to trace the lines of their hand. The children were amazed at how their hand drawing looked real. We photocopied the clear plastic to get a good image. The children repeated the hand drawing on the picture plane the then using a simple + grid transferred the image onto paper. Unfortunately I overestimated their ability to do this and they found it to hard. I will need to teach the children how to use a grid to transfer images before trying that activity again.

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