Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Planning our painting

Today we looked at how painting tell stories. We discussed Glenda Randerson’s painting of her daughter. It did not take long for the children to talk about the girl and her likes and activities. The children had to say what they thought was happening and what props. colours or actions gave them the clues.

Next we discussed:
- the things we like doing
- our favourite clothes
- our favourite thing
the place we like to be most of all

I gave them A2 size and a permanent black mark pen. Use half the paper (landscape) they had to draw themselves doing the activity they liked most.
Then they had to draw the favourite thing (large).
Lastly they had another A2 paper and had to draw the scene of their favourite place. It was interesting that a few children could not draw this from a ground view they draw a birds eye view.
After finishing the three drawing we cut out the two first drawing and placed them on the scene (the place) They were able to manipulate the images around to get the best position then glued them. This became the planning drawing for our paintings.

I will now photocopy the planning drawings and the children will use these to work out the colours they next to use.

The A2 cardboard was then painted with undercoat awaiting next week.

A lot of work for one day. However, the drawing are amazing and have covered the whole page. It has created background, overlapping and the foreground subjects.