Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finish Painting the Portrait

What a difference!

After struggling for weeks to pull together blending skill, propositions of the face and adding shadows and light to our portraits we finally finished impressive artworks.

Check out the other painting blogs to see the story thus far.
Last week we painted over our portraits with red and yellow paint.

After revisiting our colour wheels and colour theory, this week we painted complementary colours on the background. The make the background look behind the face we painted around the edges of the face with yellow and red paint, brushing it back into the existing paint.
Tip: If the background is painted last it will look like it comes over the top of the foreground.

Next step, we dry brushed on the blue paint to give us the shadows.
This proved to be much easier and the students were able to add detail in a controlled way. There looked in the mirror to see the shadows.

With all the drawing of faces we have done, the students are now adding details and propositions confidently, although there a few students who need reminding to look at where facial features go in comparison to others.

The next learning step is to move from the face to the whole body.

Next job for me is to mount the finished portraits and get them onto the photo page for all to see.

The photo on the left is the first attempt to paint the portrait
The photo on the right is repainting with red and yellow
The bottom photo is after the dry brush shadows.

Look at the progression of skills.