Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mussel Painting

The students had to compose a story in their head. They had two or three characters, a plot and a setting. Instead of writing their story they painted it.

They painted the background first, starting at the furthermost point then moving toward the foreground. After the experience of painting portraits, the students were able to blend colours confidently and in most cases allowed the paint to create moods or features.

After completing the backgrounds, the students painted faces on dried mussel shells (the characters of their story). Many students used other materials for hair.

When the painted background was dry, they dry brushed features onto the foreground of the paintings to compliment the story.

The mussels shells were attached to the painting with hot glue.

The compositions took on a special meaning to the students after they had given the characters names and composed a story. This activity could be extended to writing the story.

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